Meet the team

  • DSC_1109-1092_BW-C
  • DSC_1036-R
  • DSC_0898
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  • CiTOS-BBQ 2022
  • CiTOS-BBQ 2021
  • DSC_9920
  • DSC_8520
  • CiTOS-Team 4
  • CiTOS-BBQ 2019
  • CiTOS-Team 2
  • CiTOS-Team 1

Jean-Christophe, born in Brussels, Belgium, studied chemistry at the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, where he received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. In 2008, he started a postdoc at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering of the Ghent University, Belgium, where he was later appointed as a postdoctoral associate of the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO). In 2010, he was awarded a Belgian American Educational Foundation fellowship that triggered his relocation to the USA. He joined the Center for Heterocyclic Compounds at the University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. In 2012, he was appointed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA. In 2013, he came back to Belgium and settled at the University of Liège. Jean-Christophe created the Center for Integrated Technology and Organic Synthesis (CiTOS), where he is currently developing new methods for organic synthesis using micro- and mesofluidic reactors.

[1280x1449] JCM_4

Permanent Staff

Michaël Schmitz

Michaël Schmitz

  • Bachelor in chemistry, Institut Paul Lambin, 2017
  • Research: Methodology, Preparation of active pharmaceutical ingredients, Flow chemistry, Automation, 3D Printing, Arduino

Diana Silva 2

Diana Silva

    • Scientific Manager FloW4all platform
    • PhD in Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, 2020
    • Master in chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, 2012

Postdoctoral Research Assistants

Yuesu Chen

Yuesu Chen

  • FNRS Research Fellowship (Chargé de Recherches)
  • PhD in Chemistry, University of Graz, Austria, 2020
  • Master in chemistry, Fudan University, China, 2015
  • Research : Dinitrogen Trioxide, Nitrosation, Continuous-Flow Synthesis, Sensors, PAT



Anita Tsai 

  • PhD in Chemistry, National University of Rosario, 2020
  • Master in chemistry, National University of Rosario, 2020
  • Research : Continous flow processes, automation, nitrosocarbonyl chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, photochemistry

Hubert Hellwig

Hubert Hellwig

  • PhD in Chemistry, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, 2022
  • Master in chemistry, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, 2017
  • Research Continuous Flow Processes, Upgrading of Biobased Materials, Automation, Organic Synthesis

François Mazars

François Mazars

  • PhD in Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis, University of Liège, Belgium, 2023
  • Master in green chemistry, University of Toulouse, France, 2018
  • Research : Oxidation, Neutralisation of chemical warfare agents

Graduate Students

Guillaume Petit

Guillaume Petit

  • Master in chemical engineering, Meurice Institute, 2018
  • Bachelor in chemistry, Paul Lambin Institute, 2015
  • Research: Microfluidics, Quantum dots, Methodology, Bioconjugaison

Pauline Bianchi

Pauline Bianchi

  • Master in chemistry, University of Liège, 2020
  • Research (F.R.S.-FNRS PhD Fellow): Computational chemistry, Methodology, Microfluidics, Nitroso chemistry


Claire Muzyka

  • Master in chemistry and bio-industry, University of Liège, 2020
  • Research: Microfluidics, Methodology, Upgrading of biobased polyols, NMR spectroscopy

Loïc Bovy

  • Master in chemistry, University of Liège, 2021
  • Research: Bio-based molecules upgrading, Continuous flow, automation

Michele Desiante
Sébastien Renson
Florian Barbaz

Michele Desiante

  • Master in medicinal chemistry and technologies,
    University of Bari Aldo Moro, 2022
  • Research: Continuous flow, Photocatalysis, Upgrading of biobased polyols

Maxime Boddaert

  • Master in chemistry, University of Lille, 2021
  • Research: Oxidation, Neutralisation of chemical warfare agents
  • Currently: University of Rouen (Dr. Julien Legros)


  • Master in chemistry, University of Liège, 2023
  • Research: 
    Computational chemistry, Methodology, Microfluidics, Nitroso chemistry

Florian Barbaz

  • Master in molecular and supramolecular chemistry, University of Strasbourg, France, 2023
  • Research: Continuous flow strategies for the carbonatation of bio-based polyols

Jingxing Cheng
Rejane Gradelet

Jingxing Cheng

  • Master in engineering, industrial catalysis
    Sichuan University, China, 2019
  • Research: Computational Chemistry, Methodology, Nitroso chemistry

Réjane Gradelet

  • Master in chemical engineering and organic chemistry,
    University of Strasbourg, France and Autonomous University of Madrid, 2022
  • Research: Microfluidics, Nitroso chemistry, API

 Undergraduate students

Cassin Desmond
Nicolas Leclercq

Cassian Desmons

  • Bachelor in chemistry, University of Liège, 2023
  • Research: Microfluidics, Dinitrogen trioxide, Nitrosation, Continuous-Flow Synthesis

Nicolas Leclercq

  • Bachelor in chemistry, University of Liège, 2023
  • Research: Microfluidics, Nitroso chemistry
Arthur Coudijzer

Arthur Coudijzer

  • Bachelor in chemistry, University of Liège, 2023
  • Research: Microfluidics, Nitration chemistry

 Industrial Researchers

 Scientific Collaborator

Elyse Macors

Elyse Macors

    • FloW4all Research Chemist 
    • Collaboration with Mithra Pharmaceuticals
    • Master in Chemistry, University of Liège, 2023
    • Research: Methodology, Preparation of active pharmaceutical ingredients, Flow Chemistry

Sophie Bianchi

Sophie Bianchi

    • Graduated from Law School, Uliège 2020

Matteo Salvi

Matteo Salvi

    • PhD student in Organic Chemistry, University of Siena, Italy
    • Master in Chemical Science, University of Florence, Italy, 2022



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